Work efficiently from home using the right software

Since that all of the people from the Netherlands were asked by the government to work from home as much as possible, we are responding to this on a massive scale. Due to the measures taken, many people will work from home

2021-09-27T16:57:33+00:00March 27, 2020|blog|Comments Off on Work efficiently from home using the right software

How to: remove Windows.old? Step by step explanation

Have you recently immersed yourself in the hard drive of your Windows PC? And did you come across the folder Windows.old? Now you’re probably wondering what kind of folder this is and why Windows created it automatically

2021-09-27T16:57:37+00:00March 10, 2020|blog|Comments Off on How to: remove Windows.old? Step by step explanation

Improve the speed of Windows 10 in 5 steps (2020)

Almost nothing is more annoying than a slow Windows 10 computer. Starting up the operating system suddenly takes 5 minutes, starting a game takes a long time and opening a simple document even takes a lot of time. Do you

2020-02-14T17:29:11+00:00February 14, 2020|blog|Comments Off on Improve the speed of Windows 10 in 5 steps (2020)

Clone Windows 10 to an SSD in 3 simple steps (2020)

Did you upgrade your (outdated) Windows 10 computer by installing an SSD? Then you will probably experience the benefits quickly. The speed improvement is particularly noticeable. The loading times of games and other heavy

2020-01-31T17:50:21+00:00January 31, 2020|blog|Comments Off on Clone Windows 10 to an SSD in 3 simple steps (2020)
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